Connecting San Joaquin County to Sacramento and Dublin BART
Save Money
Save money on gas, parking, vehicle wear and tear, and maintenance costs. The average RTD Commuter rider saves thousands of dollars each year.
Reduce Stress
Avoid the hassle of driving long distances and heavy traffic. Instead, enjoy your travel time by reading, sleeping, socializing, or planning your day.
Help the Environment
By riding RTD’s service, you help reduce fuel consumption and waste, improve air quality, and diminish traffic congestion.
Purchasing Passes
Purchasing Commuter bus tickets are done easily and conveniently on your mobile device by using the Vamos Mobility App with ticketing by EZ Hub. Available on the App Store or Google Play Store.
Purchase directly from the coach operator (exact change only). Please keep your belongings off the seat next to you so that others may sit down. One seat is allowed per fare. Please store luggage under your seat or on your lap and not on the seat next to you. RTD is not responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged personal items. Storage space under the seats are limited. For additional information, please call (888) 802-WORK (9675).
Park and Ride
Park and Ride lots are free parking facilities for commuters to park their cars and connect with RTD’s San Joaquin Commuter. RTD’s Commuter buses depart for Sacramento and the Bay Area from several Park and Ride locations around San Joaquin County. View Park and Ride locations here.
River Islands Shuttle
RTD and the City of Lathrop have teamed up to introduce a new pilot service, beginning on January 29, 2024! You can catch the bus at the RTD stop located at River Islands Technology Academy every weekday morning at 5:25am, arriving at Harlan Road – SaveMart at 5:35AM which transfers to Route 150. And every weekday evening, take Harlan Road – SaveMart shuttle departing at 6:45PM, arriving River Islands at 6:55PM.