Developer Portal
Welcome to San Joaquin RTD’s Developer Portal
Here you can access all of RTD’s publicly available service data, as well as rider alert and service updates via xml feeds.
Google Transit Feeds
RTD’s data is available in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.
Our GTFS-RT feeds (Trip Updates and Vehicle Positions) are offered through the Swiftly API and update approximately every 15 seconds. For full production-level access to these feeds, please request an API key here.
RSS Feed
Current and active Rider Alerts are published in an XML/RSS feed which can be accessed directly through a feed reader, at:
Downloading RTD’s GTFS Feed
The most current version of RTD’s GTFS Feed can be accessed here by downloading (see below) or via the address:
Use of RTD’s data and feeds is subject to the Terms of Use and, where applicable, the Privacy Policy. Please review both policies carefully; by downloading or accessing the data and feeds, you consent to all of the terms contained therein.
DOWNLOAD (zip archive 800kb) | |
The General Transit Feed Specification is an open format that Google created to allow transit agencies to easily provide schedule data to Google Transit.
The General Transit Feed Specification is an open format that Google created to allow transit agencies to easily provide schedule data to Google Transit. However, Google encourages its use for other applications, and it’s available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (free) license.
Publicly available GTFS feeds
A number of transit agencies and operators have already published their schedule data in GTFS format for developers to use. The MobilityDatabase, created by MobilityData, the organization which maintains the GTFS specification, contains references to GTFS Schedules from all over the world. Other sites of interest to peruse GTFS data include for GTFS Schedules and for reports on GTFS data health in California.
GTFS Documentation
The MobilityData organization maintains the GTFS Resource Center at where you can find the GTFS specifications, best practices, and other useful information related to the specification. Caltrans also publishes the California Minimum GTFS Guidelines and provides a list of tools and services which can be helpful in creating, maintaining, and using GTFS to benefit travelers.