Access San Joaquin Logo - Bringing Communities Together

Mobility Services for San Joaquin County

Access San Joaquin Logo - Bringing Communities Together

Access San Joaquin

Access San Joaquin is a Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) formed by multiple transit operators in San Joaquin County.  One of the primary goals of Access San Joaquin is to improve the quality of transportation services for low-mobility groups such as seniors and people with disabilities.


Easier access to mobility transit services throughout San Joaquin County with one simplified process.

Enhanced mobility options for those unable to use traditional transit services.

Centralized information for countywide transit services including:


Escalon eTrans

Lodi GrapeLine

Manteca Transit

Ripon Blossom Express

San Joaquin RTD


Programs and Services

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Assessment

In-person eligibility assessment for services.

Travel Training

Dedicated professionals teaching seniors and persons with disabilities how to use public transit.

Discount Fare Cards

Discount program offering eligible seniors, persons with disabilities, and Medicare card holders the use of certain services for no more than one-half the regular base fare.

Access Pass

Free fare program allowing ADA-certified passengers to ride most fixed-route services free of charge.

My Ride

Reimbursement program for ADA-certified passengers to request transportation from friends and family.

San Joaquin RTD logo
Lodi Grapeline Logo
Tracy Tracer logo
Manteca Transit logo
etrans logo
city of ripon logo
City of Lathrop logo