Help Shape the Future of RTD

Solar & Battery Storage

Air Quality

Hydrogen Vehicles

Contactless Fares

Increased Disinfection Practices

Solar & Battery

Image of solar panels

To support the existing goal for a zero-emission bus fleet, San Joaquin RTD is installing a new solar photovoltaic and battery storage system to generate a portion of the electricity needed to power the electric vehicle fleet and buildings.  Solar energy provides a clean and free power source that comes directly from the sun that shines on the facilities. Once completed, this system will power a portion of the operations.  If you would like to see San Joaquin RTD increase their solar footprint please complete the survey.  Click here to get started.

Air Quality

Stockton and the surrounding areas in San Joaquin County have challenges with air quality in which causes high rates of asthma and other respiratory conditions.  As wildfires become increasingly common due to the effects of climate change, the San Joaquin Valley often gets polluted with particulate matter from the smoke.  RTD has been an early adopter of clean energy vehicles, including diesel hybrid and all-electric buses which help reduce local sources of pollution.  If you would like RTD to continue its efforts to reduce pollution to benefit all area residents, please complete the survey.  Click here to get started.


Hydrogen vehicles have been around for a long time.  Powered by a fuel cell that propels the vehicle without emitting any pollution, this technology is fast becoming a viable option for vehicles to replace gasoline and diesel in the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change.  Hydrogen buses require much less electricity from the grid than all-electric buses.  Since hydrogen-powered buses use stored hydrogen to generate power, they can operate even if there is a power outage.  If you would like RTD to pursue hydrogen technology please, complete the survey. Click here to get started.

Contactless Fares

Have you ever used your phone or tapped a payment card to purchase a product?  If so, then you’ve already used a “contactless” payment card.  Using this system allows riders to pay fares using their phone or payment card without having to touch any surface.  RTD is exploring this technology in addition to their existing cleaning efforts.  If you would like RTD to introduce a similar type of payment options, please complete the survey.  Click here to get started.

Increased Disinfection Practices

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone, and RTD is no exception.  Social distancing and disinfection requirements have changed the day-to-day operations dramatically.  Some riders hesitate to take transit because of perceived risks.  RTD will continue providing reliable service in a safe and effective manner, and is diligently exploring ways to reduce risks to its passengers even further.  We have installed physical barriers and limited seating to allow for social distancing.  Our team disinfects the interiors of each bus daily with ionic spray.  They offer sanitizing wipes and gels and require everyone to wear face masks at all times.  Please share your thoughts on safe passage on the buses by completing the survey.  Click here to get started.