Mobile Apps
There are many ways to connect with San Joaquin RTD, on many different kinds of devices. These are some of the free commercial applications that are available from RTD and third-party developers using RTD’s open data.
Note: Many of the apps are produced and maintained by third-party developers, and are not “official” San Joaquin RTD products. We cannot endorse, warrant or support any of the applications listed here. Each app was tested initially to make sure it works, but use them at your own risk. RTD, in its sole discretion, may remove/add application listings without notice.
Google Maps
Get Google Maps for mobile and see transit, walking, and cycling information.
Vamos Mobility App with EZHub
One convenient app for transit passes within San Joaquin County. Download the Vamos Mobility app with ticketing by EZHub to buy passes for Lodi GrapeLine, Tracy Tracer, Escalon eTrans, Manteca Transit, ACE, and San Joaquin RTD.
Find out which buses are arriving at your stop and when, just by sending a text message to (209) 222-3595.
Transit App
Already know the way? With Transit app, all nearby departures are just a tap away.
Sendero Braillenote
Transit information for wayfinding use by people who are visually impaired. For BrailleNote and VoiceNote GPS system
Moovit takes the hassle out of using public transit by giving you all the info you need, right at your fingertips.
Token Transit
You will now be able to purchase and use bus passes on your smartphones or other mobile devices for Local, Hopper, and Express Routes.
Moovit takes the hassle out of using public transit by giving you all the info you need, right at your fingertips.
Sendero Braillenote
Transit information for wayfinding use by people who are visually impaired. For BrailleNote and VoiceNote GPS system
Incorporate RTD’s service data into your mobile application. Click Here