My Ride, Volunteer Driver Program, Offered by Access San Joaquin

The My Ride program is a self-directed, practical, and empowering mileage reimbursement service that enables ADA-certified passengers to compensate their friends and neighbors for providing them with transportation assistance to ONLY San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and contiguous counties to San Joaquin County.

How does My Ride work?

  1. Current active ADA-certified passengers are automatically eligible for My Ride and will be enrolled once the passenger and volunteer driver waivers have been completed, returned to Access San Joaquin, processed, and you have received your welcome packet.
  2. ADA-certified passengers can recruit drivers from family, friends, and neighbors they know and trust.
  3. Both parties agree on a transportation schedule.
  4. ADA-certified passengers track and record mileage for each trip and turn in a mileage report (called Request for Mileage Reimbursement) to Access San Joaquin each month.
  5. Passengers are obligated to pass the reimbursement amount in full along to their drivers.

Why My Ride?

  • You may use the drivers you know and trust.
  • There are no advanced reservations required.
  • It’s a win-win situation: the trip is free for the passenger and earns money for the driver.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

All passengers who are currently ADA-certified through the ADA Eligibility Assessment process.

What trips may be reimbursed?

My Ride currently reimburses for personal, medical-related, and essential travel of the passenger ONLY for San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and contiguous counties to San Joaquin County (ONLY).

When does the mileage report have to be submitted?

To process the reimbursement in a timely manner, the monthly mileage report must be submitted by the 5th of the month following the rides to be reimbursed.

When are reimbursements issued?

Payments are processed and mailed out by the end of every month.

How do I sign up?

Contact Access San Joaquin at (209) 242-9965 or request that we call you here.

For more information, please contact:

Access San Joaquin
(209) 242-9965

Additional My Ride Information

ASJ My Ride Policies

ASJ My Ride Brochure

Access San Joaquin