Text bus: text for your next bus. Use your mobile phone to find when the next bus is coming.

Find your stop code

on the top-right corner of the bus stop sign

Text it to 209-222-3595

including the area code

Get the departure times

for every bus in the next 90 minutes

TextBus is designed to provide scheduled bus departure times on your mobile phone. Customers simply text any RTD stop number to 209-222-3595 to get a text with the upcoming times for that stop.

RTD developed this program in-house to provide mobile access to schedule information after determining from a customer survey of nearly 300 customers that 82% of those customers surveyed have cell phones and, of those with cell phones, 97% use their phones to send text messages, and 92% would like to receive information from RTD via text messaging.The development of TextBus was made possible with Measure K Passenger Amenities funds.
San Joaquin RTD provides this service for free, but normal carrier charges may apply.